Are there other breeds available?

We also raise Boston Terriers.

How much is a mastiff?
Our prices can vary, please contact us directly to discuss.

What are your terms for payment?
$500 deposit to hold a puppy or puppy pick order can be made by Venmo, Cash App, or PayPal and remaining balance is to be paid in cash at pick up.

Can we meet and pick out the Pet we would like?
Yes, everyone is encouraged to come meet our dogs and puppies before picking out their puppy. If you are unable to come to visit in person we also offer puppy picks via video chat.

Do you offer any paperwork or bonding on the pet?
We will provide the AKC registration paperwork, a contract, and a 1 year genetic health guarantee.

What if my Pet becomes sick? Do you have any warranty or special terms?
We ask for people to take their puppy to their vet within 72 hours of picking it up. If the vet says there is something wrong with the puppy, we will take it back and give 100% refund. Only if this is done within 72 hours of picking up the puppy.

We also have a 1 year genetic health guarantee.

How do we get the process started of getting our new pet?
First, fill out an application. Then, we ask for a deposit in order to be added to our waiting list.

Do you offer any other pet services?
We also offer pet sitting/dog boarding at our house or we can do home visits.